Have you ever heard the phrase, “The world is my oyster?” Well in a way, that applied to me in my childhood, as I grew up in a small town in
Virginia that was heavily involved in the harvesting
and processing of oysters. The shells of the processed
oysters were often so plentiful that they were used to form roadbeds on private roads. This, of course, was back in the 1940s and 50s, when the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries were blessed with an abundance of the tasty bivalves.

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For those of you not familiar with iNaturalist (iNat), I offer, here, an abbreviated overview of what it is and what it is all about. Briefly, iNaturalist is a nonprofit social network that enables individuals to record and share observations of living things—across the globe—either from iNat’s website on their laptop / desktop or via iNat’s mobile application on their cellphone or other electronic device—iPad, for example.

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