Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Mission Statement
The Rio Grande Valley Chapter Texas Master Naturalist is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes, more specifically to develop a group of knowledgeable volunteers to provide education, outreach and service dedicated to the study and conservation of natural resources and natural areas within the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

The Rio Grande Valley Chapter emblem was adopted in 2003 and consists of the plain chachalaca in front of a sabal palm frond. The Chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) is a Rio Grande Valley specialty bird. The Sabal Palm (Sabal mexicana) can only be found in the Rio Grande Valley. The original artwork was created by artist and follow Texas Master Naturalist Tony Bennett.
Texas Master Naturalist — Overview
The Rio Grande Valley is an incredibly unique region of Texas. Through the Texas Master Naturalist program you will learn about sabal palm forests, resaca waterways, gulf waters, and native plant species – just to name a few of the fascinating topics explored through expert class instruction, field trips and hands-on training.

The Texas Master Naturalist program harnesses the power of volunteerism to expand knowledge of the landscape, history, geology and vibrant flora and fauna of the State of Texas. For more info:
Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Service Area

Want to become a Texas Master Naturalist?
The Rio Grande Valley Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist program offers annual classes that provide the training needed to be certified. Included in the requirements are 30 classroom hours, 10 field trip hours, 40 volunteer hours and 8 Advanced Training hours. More details can be found here: New Class Info.
Recertification requires:
- 40 Volunteer Hours
- 8 Advanced Training Hours