Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Formation
The Alamo Area Chapter (AAC) was the first chapter of the newly formed Texas Master Naturalist (TMN) program in 1997. The TMN Program was modeled after the Texas Master Gardening Program. The first AAC class was held at the Friedrich Wilderness
Park and chapters of the new TMN handbook were literally hot off the press and passed out at each new class.
On August 6, 2002, the original 15 members of the Rio Grande Valley Chapter (RGVC) meet to approve the bylaws and elected officers for the newest chapter of the 5-year-old Statewide TMN program. Robert F. Rodriguez was voted the first President for the remaining portion of 2002. The RGVC service area covered the lowest four counties in the state of Texas consisting of Starr, Willacy, Hidalgo, and Cameron Counties.

Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Two Chapters Where There Once Was One
The first issue of the Chapter newsletter was published in April of 2004 at the time
Walter Berry was President. The newsletter was seen as a way to communicate to our
members, and was and still is today published quarterly; March, June, September, and
December of each year. Although the service area has been divided and is now covered by two TMN Chapters, the Rio Grande Valley and the South Texas Border, we still only
have one newsletter that serves both TMN Chapters.
In 2015 the TMN program of South Texas went through some growing pains and a
second Chapter was created called the South Texas Border Chapter. That Chapter
holds its meeting in the McAllen area in order to better serve the membership of the upper valley. Currently the service area of each Chapter is three counties. The Rio Grande Valley service area was determined to be Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy counties, which is an area of approximately 2,331,520 acres of coastal prairie and Tamaulipan thornscrub brush. The service area for the South Texas Border Chapter was
determined to be Starr, Hidalgo, and Cameron Counties.

Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Partnership and Hosting State Meeting
As the years have passed, the community has grown and so has our partners list. Our partners include three State Parks, two National Wildlife Refuges, numerous world birding centers, City and County parks, natural and environmental centers, land stewardship foundations, and
universities. Currently we have approximately 70 partners we assist in education, research and maintenance activities of the natural environment.
On October 12, 2023, The Rio Grande Valley (RGVC) and the South Texas Border Chapters hosted the 24th Statewide Annual Meeting at the McAllen Convention Center. There
were 475 plus registrants, 131 speakers, 132 concurrent sessions, including 25 field sessions and 42 of 49 chapters (~86 %) were in attendance. It was a great success,
and we had over 20 volunteers from the RGVC assist in the 4 day event, with registration, room monitors, field trip guides, etc.

Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Chapter Advisor Award
The TMN Program presents Chapter Advisor Award every year at the Statewide Annual Meeting (October) to outstanding advisors and/or teams of advisors. The goal of the awards program is to encourage and recognize the
advisor’s exceptional work, new initiatives, exemplary contributions to the organization mission and goals, and the support of local Texas Master Naturalist Chapter Advisors provide to empower members. In 2013, Tony Reisinger, Sea Grant, and Texas AgriLife initial advisor to the Rio Grande Valley Chapter won the advisor award for his initial work at getting the first chapter started in the RGV and his continuous work with the chapter from 2002 to 2013. Tony was the RGVC advisor until his retirement in July 2024.
In 2020 Javier De Leon, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, advisor for both Valley Chapters (RGV and STB) won the Advisor award for work with both chapter since 2013 when he become an advisor to the Chapters.

Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Accomplishments
Over the past 22 years, 2002-2024, the RGVC has trained approximately 720 volunteers and currently has 186 in active membership. Our accumulative volunteer service hours for the past 22 years have been approximately 274,890 hours and we have earned 38,135 advanced training hours.
In 2024, 28 new class members were trained. Eighteen have been certified to be TMN. The RGVC has conducted over 15,318 volunteer service hours and 186 members earned over approximately 2095 advance training hours in 2024. The RGVC also has fourteen members that have earned over 4,000 volunteer service hours each.

Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Presidents
2002 Robert F. Rodriguez
2003-04 Walter Berry
2005 Laura Duvall
2006 Linda McGonigle
2007 Walter Evans
2008-09 Frank Wiseman
2010-12 Virgina Vineyard
2013-14 Alicia Cavazos
2015-16 Linda Butcher
2017 M. Lee Brown
2018 Steven Lanoux
2019 Norma Trevino
2020 Larry Johnson
2021-23 Roberto Gaitan
2024-25 Robin Gelston
Rio Grande Valley Chapter TMN — Service Milestones (as of December 8, 2024)
7,000 Hours
- Cavazos, Maria (Alicia)
6,000 Hours
- Lanehart, Lila (Jolaine)
5,000 Hours
- Archer, Robert
- Butcher, Linda
- Cardile, Carolyn
- Gaitan, Roberto
- Wiseman, Frank
4,000 Hours
- Bogatto, Mary Jo
- Cornell, Chuck
- Cornett, Pamela
- Najvar, Jimmie
- Paz, Santiago (Jimmy)
- Peet, Barbara
- Vineyard, Virginia