Category: Anita’s blog
Stay up late during National Moth Week and see what flies in the dark of night
Published July 17, 2021 in the McAllen Monitor. Citizen scientist projects collect valuable data about things that fly in the night . . . .
Beautiful but toxic night blooming plant attracts moths
Published July 3, 2021 in the McAllen Monitor. Sunlight shows off flowers in all their daylight glory; others are spectacular only in the moonlight . . . .
Anita’s Blog — Cicadas Sing; Dragons Fly
Late summer is abuzz with sounds and sights as the natural world continues its annual mission . . . .
Anita’s Blog — The Hoppers
The naming of things — humans are the only species (as far as we know) compelled to put a name to things — even the tiniest of things . . . .
Anita’s Blog — Out of Sync
Sudden environmental changes disrupt the nature of things, but in the natural world, the beat goes on. . . .
Anita’s Blog — It’s a What Kind of Wasp?
Who doesn’t love those shrill summer serenades when the sun goes down?