Alphabetical list of Rio Grande Valley Nurseries for Native Plants
- Grimsell Seed Co. (956) 423-0370
- Heep’s Nursery (Mike Heep) (956) 457-6834*
- M&G Double D Native Plants & Seeds of South Texas (956) 342-5979*
- Stuart Place Nursery (956) 428-4439
- Wild August Nursery (956) 535-2117
La Joya
- Perez Ranch Nursery (956-580-8915
- NABA Butterfly Park (956) 583-5400
- Oleander Nursery (956) 607-3304
Rio Grande City
- Rancho Lomita Nursery (956) 486-2576*
San Benito
- River Oaks Nursery (956) 399-4078
- Mid-Valley Garden & Pond (956) 973-1998
- Valley Nature Center (956) 969-2475*
*Offer Native Plants Only
This list revised September 2020.
Any registered nursery that offer Valley native plants for sale and would like to be listed here, please e-mail: jjvanm@gmail.com, Rio Grande Valley Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist.
Excellent field guides to Lower Rio Grande Valley native plants:
“Wildflowers and Other Plants of Texas Beaches and Islands” 2002 by Dr. Alfred Richardson — available via Internet purchase
“Plants of Deep South Texas” 2011 by Dr. Alfred Richardson and Ken King — available at Valley nature center gift shops and Internet purchase
Native Plant Project
Handbooks available online at www.nativeplantproject.com
Planting guide for RGV plants Planting Guide for RGV Brochure