Category: Blogs
Snowy Egret
The snowy egret slipped its yolk-yellow feet, toes first, into waters of the saltmarsh and strode across, stealthy and alert, ready to strike.
Lizard Watching: the Texas Spotted Whiptail
The long-tailed, striped lizard, its limbs splayed out like a gecko’s, suddenly materialized on the porch as I swiveled back from watering the birds.
The Brahminy Blind Snake
We lifted a small log, one with critter-enticing voids and cracks, exposing an expected assortment of busy creatures—beetles, ants, silverfish and roly-poly’s. But, amid them, to my surprise, squirmed a dark, glossy worm. What is an earthworm doing in a Harlingen yard in this arid climate? I thought. I rarely see worms here.
Green Herons
Living near the Gulf coast as we do we have a large assortment of interesting shore birds living around us. One of these is the Green Heron. The smallest of the heron family, these little birds are found throughout the eastern U.S. wherever there is water with plenty of fish available. They are dark in…
Northern Mockingbird, Champion Singer
“Hush, little baby, don’t say a word! Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird!” begins a cherished lullaby. Yet, one wonders: why would anyone buy a mockingbird when its melodies tumble from treetops for all to enjoy? And the folk song apparently originated in the South, the mockingbird’s original realm.
The Spinybacked Orbweaver — a Backyard Jewel
A spiky, ornate gem sat amid an expansive web projecting from the fence, arresting me in my tracks. I feel privileged whenever this decorative creature, the spinybacked orbweaver, sets up camp to ensnare tiny insects in my backyard.