by Pat Avery
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. Getting to like you…
These lyrics from The King and I played through my mind as an enthusiastic and fascinating Carolyn Wolfer chronicled her journey from the US Air Force Academy to the 2021 class in the RGVCTMN.

Carolyn graduated with a degree in biology in 1989. She and her husband, also an USAFA graduate, wanted to see the world, but as life would have it, she admitted, “We saw up and down I-35 for the next 25 years.”

She spent 20 years in hospital labs as a lab manager, and then retired in 2009 to enjoy family time with her son and daughter. Carolyn worked as a substitute teacher and became immersed in her children’s scouting activities. She learned much about herself and her love of the outdoors.

As a young child growing up in Florida, she had spent her youth catching minnows and crawdads in the creek across the street. Snapping turtles and alligators intrigued her, as well as the ripcord currents at the beach.
After spending her career indoors, her scouting activities renewed her love of the outdoors. Her teaching brought her awareness of her love of sharing knowledge with kids.

When she learned about the Post 9/11 GI Bill, she made the decision to return to college as a full-time student to earn a degree in Recreation Administration with a minor in Nature and Heritage Tourism. In her classes, she has worked with recreation programs and the development of interpretative guides for the Texas Transportation Museum.

“I love interacting with people.” That statement aligns with her future goals. From May 20 – August 10, she will serve an internship on the activities staff at Glorieta Camp in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She must complete a 200-hour field study as part of her degree plan.
That brought us to why, as a San Antonio resident, she became a member of the RGV TMN class. Two reasons, she explained. Her local chapter conducts its classes on a monthly basis throughout the year. She wouldn’t be able to attend the summer sessions. Also, Carolyn admits to a fascination with our sea turtles and the diversity of our natural resources.

“I felt like I would fit in with the chapter and learn about new parts of the state.” She continues journaling with her local chapters and plans to become involved with them, especially after her 2023 graduation. She looks forward to visiting the Valley. Most of all, she says, “Thanks for letting me be a part of the family.”
I think we’re all richer for the experience.
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