As a Navy trained news photographer, I spent a good number of years with a 30-pound camera bag hanging from my shoulder.
Now, I’m never without my less-than-one-pound Smartphone in my back pocket. What freedom!
I do miss selecting my own shutter speed and f-stop and Texas windy days (of which there are many) bring on a new challenge.
Shutter speed is great for spot news! A fast shutter speed freezes action; shallow depth of field blurs the background making the subject absolutely pop.
The trade-off is no pain in the neck from the weight of equipment to the readily accessible opportunity to stop what I’m doing and easily snap a shot. Not to mention instantly texting or e-mailing a photo with no down time from the task at hand.
I’m one of those writers who stare into space when creating. My computer is positioned where I can stare out the doors to my back butterfly garden. The other day, it suddenly came to my attention that there was no wind.
I quickly saved my document, raced outdoors and shot my Coral Bean Tree, thus ending a year-long goal.
Another nearly year-long goal was basket flower. The seeds were planted last fall which accounted for most of the waiting time. None the less, a windless day finally garnered a usable shot.
I took complete advantage of this limited window of opportunity and shot anything that wasn’t moving.
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