Author: Justin Case
RGV Native Plant Resources
contributed by Roberto Gaitan
About us…
contributed by Roberto Gaitan Our community organization is named the Rio Grande Valley Pollinator Project. Our mission is to raise awareness across the Rio Grande Valley of pollinators and their need for sustainable, native-plant food sources and ecosystems so they can thrive and multiply. Some of our activities have included successful grants from Monarch Watch for…
Green Herons
Living near the Gulf coast as we do we have a large assortment of interesting shore birds living around us. One of these is the Green Heron. The smallest of the heron family, these little birds are found throughout the eastern U.S. wherever there is water with plenty of fish available. They are dark in…
Winter Ducks
As the lakes and ponds up north begin to freeze over the birds that make their living in the water need to find open, ice-free water. Naturally, this sends them south looking for warm breezes and tropical water where they can spend a comfortable winter; a sort of Margaritaville for ducks.
Diane Hall
by Pat Avery Writing this blog has been an unexpectedly fascinating experience. The breadth of experiences, the intense and often life-long love affairs with nature, and the natural friendliness of the chapter members have, in a few short months, enriched my life. Diane Hall is one of these outstanding role models and I’m honored to…