Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I become a Certified Master Naturalist?

A:  To become a Certified Master Naturalist you must complete 30 hours of class room training and complete 10 hours of field work. The class and field trip training is a total of 40 hours which must be completed by each trainee.
In addition to the above class and field trip training, you will need to volunteer 40 hours on approved projects and complete 8 hours of approved advanced training within 15 months of your first class enrollment.

Q:  How do I maintain my certification?

A:  To maintain your certification as a Texas Master Naturalist, you must volunteer at least 40 hours a year on approved projects and complete 8 hours of approved advanced training. At the end of each year you will be re-certified as a Texas Master Naturalist if you have completed the above advanced training and volunteer work.

Q:  What is advanced training?

A: Members are required to secure 8 hours of continuing education. There are many opportunities available in our area for members to attend workshops, lectures, and field trips that would be considered approved advanced training. We have expert speakers at our General Meetings each month that count as one hour of advanced training.

Q:  Do I have to be a scientist or an expert in biology to be a Master Naturalist?

A:  No, you do not have to be a scientist or an expert in the field of biology to be a Master Naturalist. Anyone interested in our environment, conservation, or the outdoors can be a Master Naturalist.

Q:  When and where are chapter meetings?

A:  For meeting location information, contact riograndevalleychapter.tmn@gmail.com.

Q: How do I report my hours?

A: Hours are reported using the TPWD Volunteer Management System.

Q: How do I find out about volunteer and advanced training opportunities?

A: Volunteer and Advanced Training Opportunities are sent out via email, announced at General Meetings and posted on the Members page.

Q: What if I have an idea or proposal for volunteer opportunity or advanced training?

A: If you come up with a project on your own that you’d like to do or find out about one you’d like to get approved, you will need to fill out and submit a project proposal.    The RGVCTMN Volunteer Service Director will review it for approval.

Q: Who do I contact if I have a question?

A: You can contact the Chapter Leadership for information about the program. You can also email us at: riograndevalleychapter.tmn@gmail.com.