Category: The Chachalaca
San Benito Wetlands: Helping Shape Its Future
The San Benito Wetlands is 165 acres of ponds that were previously used to treat the City of San Benito’s wastewater. Many are unaware of the site so let’s begin with the backstory. . . .
Bifurcate Trashline Orb Weaver
What are those dingy greenish pearls dangling in this spider web? I wondered for years. Then, finally, this summer, I caught one, in a photo anyway—a tiny bifurcate trashline orb weaver— perfectly camouflaged among her jewels.
We need your help – Harlingen Christmas Bird Count
Our date for the Harlingen Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will be our usual last Saturday of the count which falls on December 31, 2022 for this year. As many of you know, Norma Friedrich has officially retired from the duties of co-compiler and she has left some mighty big shoes to fill. I, along with Laura Robinson and Susan Upton have agreed…
South Texas Ecotourism Center: STEC Fall Speaker Series
The South Texas Ecotourism Center (STEC) created a Fall Speaker Series for the first and third Wednesdays in the months of October, November and December. The series scheduled various speakers and topics that supported the educational mission of the STEC to promote the preservation and appreciation of our natural resources. During the days of the…
Blue Crab Memories
My wife and I grew up on coastal tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. Catching and eating blue crabs were activities we both enjoyed and often we had family gatherings where we sat around a picnic table covered with newspaper. A mound of steamed crabs was spread on the table, and we picked the…
A Glimpse into 2023
As we continue with our “normal” work in 2023, I am excited that our 2023 TMN Annual Meeting is coming to the Rio Grande Valley. It is the 23rd Annual Meeting but it marks the 25th Anniversary of the Texas Master Naturalist Program. It is also the first time the Annual Meeting has ever been…