by Pat Avery

Brown Pelican preening.

Concerned about the plight of the pelicans during the cold and windy weather, the 2021 RGVC TMN class formed a committee to design educational materials for our local and visiting citizens.

We are currently studying how we can have the most “bang for the buck.” We have thus far decided to focus on materials for adults and for children. These will include brochures and other printed materials that hopefully will be available throughout the Valley. In order to create interest, we hope to have area high school students submit artwork for our pelican mascot.

We are conducting a “Name the Pelican” event within our class. We want our mascot’s name to be beloved for both our English and Spanish-speaking citizens.

As of now, we plan to create materials that will focus on bridges and highways in Cameron County, particularly State Highway 48 between Port Isabel and Brownsville and the Queen Isabella Causeway. These are the major sites of pelican deaths during cold weather.

Brown Pelican on South Padre Island

The committee, chaired by Kate de Gennaro, includes Diana Lehmann, Pat Avery, and Diane Hall. Together with our chapter president, Robert Gaitan, we plan to have materials completed and distributed before next winter’s cold season.

Public education is important at any age. We especially believe that raising awareness in our youth will have a positive impact. Kids love pelicans and any parent knows that when a child learns something, they are more than willing to share it with their parents – again and again.

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