by Pat Avery

Winning Señor Pelé artwork by Lilliana Cisnero

The RGVCTMN formed the Pelican Squadron Committee earlier this year to educate the public about the danger that cold and windy weather poses for Brown Pelicans. Highway 48 becomes a death trap for pelicans due to the wind currents.

The committee’s mission is to inform and educate the public of the need for slower speeds to prevent pelican deaths. To encourage public awareness, the committee asked Port Isabel High School art students to create the pelican that would be a mascot speaking for all the species. Mr. Holland, the high school art instructor, and his students rose to the challenge.

Under his guidance they produced some creative and beautiful works that made the decision-making process hard. After considerable debate, the committee selected Señor Pelé, the representative for our ‘Save the Pelican’ project.

(L-R) Port Isabel art students, Alina Boling (Honorable Mention) and Lilliana Cisneros (First Place) with Pelican Squadron members Diana Lehmann, Pat McGrath Avery, and Kate de Gennaro.

On May 8, the Pelican Squadron held an Open House at the Laguna Madre Art Gallery in Port Isabel to officially introduce Señor Pelé. Winning artist Lilliana Cisneros’s pelican will be featured on informational materials we distribute. Honorable mention went to Alina Boling for her beautiful portrayal of our Brown Pelicans. Her work will also be used in our materials.

Both young women graciously accepted their awards and our profuse congratulations. It was our honor to showcase their talent. “It was a smashing success,” the committee members all agreed.

Special thanks goes to our sponsors, Tony Reisinger and Javier de Leon, RGVCTMN President Robert Gaitan, and Port Isabel High School art teacher, Mr. Holland.

(L-R) Tony Reisinger, Lilliana Cisneros, Robert Gaitan, Diana Lehmann, Javier de Leon, and Mr. Holland at Laguna Madre Art Gallery for Señor Pelé Open House.

We appreciate the generosity of the Laguna Madre Art Gallery and their commitment to our local art students. Please take time to visit the gallery when you are in Port Isabel.

Thank you to all who participated! The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension are sponsors for the Texas Master Naturalist program. Working together, our Rio Grande Valley TMN Chapter, the Laguna Madre Art Gallery, and the Laguna Madre Art League brought this project to fruition.

Lilliana Cisneros (left) and Alina Boling (right) with winning Señor Pelé Brown Pelican artwork.

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