Tulipán Del Monte, also referred to as the Heart Leaf Hibiscus, is a strikingly beautiful plant native to the Rio Grande Valley. Noted as being found in Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy, and Starr Counties, it naturally grows among woodier shrubs and can be difficult to locate unless it is in bloom and its gorgeous, velvet-like petals are unfurled and on display for all to see.

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Our date for the Harlingen Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will be our usual last Saturday of the count which falls on December 31, 2022 for this year. As many of you know, Norma Friedrich has officially retired from the duties of co-compiler and she has left some mighty big shoes to fill. I, along with Laura Robinson and Susan Upton have agreed to help out. Mark Conway, co-compiler, will continue to tabulate all the bird entries.

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