Author: Anita Westervelt
Anita’s Blog – A Sunning of Cormorants
One of the first birds I was close enough to photograph, after moving to the Valley, was a Neotropic Cormorant, Phalacrocorax brasilianus. I had no idea what it was. Nor had I ever been close to a bird that big and that had such a wicked-looking, er . . . smile. I admit, I was…
Anita’s Blog – I’ve Not Seen an Alligator in Ramsey Park
It’s rather fun digging in the soil in Ramsey Park. What once was a landfill is now covered with more than 250 species of plants native to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Sure, there are pockets of dastardly Guinea grass, but that can be dug up easily enough with a garden fork (and a lot…
Anita’s Blog — To Mow or Not to Mow
Nothing is quite so elegant as a freshly-mown lawn. The opposite, however, can be full of surprises. Many of our chapter members have come to the Valley and purchased a residence with acreage. Overwhelmed with information after TMN training, new graduates sometimes don’t know where to start. I’ve told a few people to quit mowing…
Anita’s Blog — How to Move a Cat
Not often, but sometimes, I feel compelled to help out Mother Nature. For instance, twice this month, one of my cow pen daisy bushes has been thick with butterfly larva. What was a lush, green bush one day, was suddenly sickly looking with little black blobs all over it. The blobs were Bordered Patch butterfly…
Anita’s Blog — Home Grown Quail Food
Ever wonder what quail eat? A couple of years ago I overheard someone say that quail babies can’t eat seeds; they rely on low growing plants to provide insects. Although I often wondered what I could do to provide quail with food to help them prosper, I never remembered to research when I sat down…
Anita’s Blog – Snakes and Ticks — Not a Rock Group
The weather lately has not been to my liking. On pleasant days though, I’ve been out and about, working in my yard or at Ramsey Park. At home, I have weed-eated with a vengeance, freely stepped in thick vegetative growth and rummaged around bare-handed in my over-grown butterfly garden. The weather is cold, so it’s…