Category: Anita’s blog
Anita’s Blog — Fun Stuff on a Windless Day
As a Navy trained news photographer, I spent a good number of years with a 30-pound camera bag hanging from my shoulder. Now, I’m never without my less-than-one-pound Smartphone in my back pocket. What freedom! I do miss selecting my own shutter speed and f-stop and Texas windy days (of which there are many)…
Anita’s Blog — Rescuing Rarities
A lot of trees are blooming in Hugh Ramsey Nature Park and it’s an exciting time of year because not only can you begin to learn to recognize trees, you get to see where they are in the park. So, you’re walking along Ebony Loop in the park and a flash of purple and yellow…
Anita’s Blog — Ollie Ollie Osprey Free
I consider it spring regardless the date on the calendar. I think this because I ’m finding fun surprises in the unmown parts of the yard, earthy cracks in parking lots, road sides and vacant lots around town. Growing up in the mid-west, it was always exciting to see pretty yellow dandelions dot the yard.…
Anita’s Blog — The Lazy Birder
As much fun as it is to go birding with the local pros, I just don’t want to get out that early. And if it’s cold, or worse — cold and rainy — nothing gets me out. I value my year with the birders, though. I wouldn’t have learned so much exciting information on my…
Anita’s Blog — WOWE – Best Thing since Sliced Bread
If you‘re a lecture junkie like me, you won’t want to miss WOWE! Fortunately WOWE is back for its 21st year, after missing last year for convention center renovation on South Padre Island. WOWE is the Winter Outdoor Wildlife Expo. Its original purpose was to let Winter Texans get a glimpse of all the outdoor…
Anita’s Blog — Rats are not our Friends
Rodents are really destructive this time of year. Texas has nearly 50 species of rats and mice. Whether you’re in town, the country, along a river, or in an RV park, you’re not safe — from rats and mice, that is. I’ve learned to tolerate a number of different critters since becoming a Texas Master…